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Archive for the Nutrition Category

Adrenal Fatigue & Low Salt Diets?

Our bodies need good sodium to function. It is an essential nutrient that so many of us are low in because salt has been labeled as ‘the devil’. When you crave salt, you need it! It’s a true deficiency craving vs. when we crave chocolate chip cookies.


Sweet Tater Tastebuds – Gluten Free Soup Recipe!

Sometimes simple is best. Grab a big pot, your ingredients, and in about a half an hour you’ll have this super gluten and dairy free soup prepared fresh for your table. This recipe is the second V.I.P. winner of my Let’s Get Physical Program from March 9, 2011. Those first three recipes raced in so quickly from eager people ready to share healthy food, people that sent their recipes by the weekend didn’t stand a chance.


Gluten Free Almond Cheesy Biscuit Recipe

The recipe below was the first one to come in is from hobbiest chef Teri Kirkner. This recipe is gluten free and it is with one of my favorite flours: ALMOND. It was the first to come in when I did my contest for 3 free Let’s Get Physical programs, congrats to Teri.


Gluten Free Lucky Black Eyed Pea Soup Recipe

Feeling down on your luck baby? You won’t for long if you whip this hummer together! This isn’t the ‘ol bland black eyed pea recipe that you might be used to. I’ve had bad black eyed pea soup and I wouldn’t dare do that to you. Blech!


Is Dr. Hyman’s Family Dinners CNN Interview Hogwash?

Can eating at home really save your life? Dr. Mark Hyman of the UltraWellness Center boldly stated to CNN that by not eating home cooked meals we are ruining our families and our health.You buying this or think it’s bull honky?