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Oils Are A Girl’s Best Friend

Oils Are A Girl’s Best Friend

by Jen Springer


Anxiety relief can be found many places.

We hear about tapping on pressure points or thinking ourselves back to the planet when we are about to skyrocket to the outer orbits with panic or anxiety. But honestly, when I was in the midst of an attack – I couldn’t remember where to tap!

In fight or flight, my mind would go blank. All I could remember to do was reach in my pocket and grab one of “my oils”.

I could get grounded enough to open the cap, put a few drops on my palm to apply to the back of my neck and under my nose.  Then, I was back to earth and the surge of adrenaline would subside.

Sensuous exotic flowers and ancient uplifting resins were my saviors during the time in 2007 when I crashed and burned for months my docs couldn’t figure out what was triggering the relentless panic, anxiety, paranoia, and weird thoughts.

What kept me “hangin’ on” during desperate times were the essential oils I applied to the back of my neck, feet, and belly numerous times a day.

Something as simple as a little glass bottle would bring me immediate relief when anxiety would strike.  There were four oils I liked the best, two blends called Valor and Harmony along with two singles called frankincense and ylang ylang.  Of course there were other Young Living Oils I used; however, these were the fantastic four.

Daily I’d use Valor on the bottom of my feet first thing after my morning shower before I put my sockies on.  Harmony Online Blackjack I’d apply to my belly because I always felt like there was a rogue train blasting through it.

‘The sweet earthy blend I’d make up for my emotions was a few drops of ylang ylang mixed with frankincense. I’d apply this to the base of my skull, ears, and temples. I’d also diffuse (not burn) this dynamic duo while I slept at night to help me settle down to sleep.

Thank goodness I had been using essential oils for many years prior to becoming sick. I had the “good stuff” that worked versus chemical who-knows-what from health or bath stores.  Being a scientist, I knew those could be filled with chemicals and other nasties that  would make my already crazy brain worse. No way Jose!

Oils helped me pull through a tough time of my life. But I haven’t retired them!  Now a days they help my sleeping, low thyroid, sore muscles, and the best part …  I love they way they smell!

Oils are my best friend because they work so fast. One whiff and I feel comforted.


Have you oiled today?  Tell us what your faves are!



Jen Springer is a Holistic Nutrition Expert who currently serves 10,000 clients.  Her approach to health is refreshing and out of the box, yet makes so much sense.  Through her entertaining and informative webinars, blog posts, and personal recovery program Let’s Get Physical: Anxiety is NOT All in Your Head, her clients quickly get results even though  they’ve spent years of chasing for answers. Jen has been a health educator and practitioner for the last 10 years.




3 Responses to “Oils Are A Girl’s Best Friend”

  1. darlene w. says:

    OK … I love YL oils and I use them daily … all time favorite is frankincense … also thieves and panaway, cloves, wintergreen … not sure what they “really” do for me but I do find them comforting and balancing … as a CMT, I also use them on my clients (only the ones w/o sensitivities) and I do notice a difference – I usually stick w/the basics for clients – lavendar & peppermint

  2. Anonymous says:

    Comforting and balancing is a good thing Darlene! I love to use grapefruit, lemongrass, cedarwood, and a tad of cypress in massage oil for my clients. Smells intoxicating. If I’m feeling sassy I’ll throw in a few drops of lavender.
    Be well,

  3. Diane Shepard says:

    Aromatherapy is a gem! I usually add essential oils to infragranced hand creams and lotions as I use them often and the smell is heavenly, it also calms down my mind as I get stressed quite frequently but I find aromatherapy really helps!

    Diane Shepard

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