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Posts Tagged nutrition

Chia Seeds and Your Blood Sugar

Chia Seeds and Your Blood Sugar by Jen Springer Nutty, filling, hydrating, and blood sugar balancing. Who’d think I was talking about chia seeds? Every time I hear about chia seeds I think of those terrible commercials from the 80’s, “Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia!”. But these days I’m singing the praise of chia seeds because of it’s health […]


Why Your Body Makes Your Brain Feel Cuckoo Part III

Orthomolecular or functional docs will run tests to determine what is causing crazy making feelings that are paralyzing your life. Jen Springer was very fortunate to find one of these docs when she was ill. They know where to start looking if you’re manic, flipping light switches, or so depressed you can barely take out the trash. Remember, the issues below aren’t healed overnight.


Why Your Body Makes Your Brain Feel Cuckoo Part II

It was information like this written by Joan Matthews Larson, PhD. and Carl Pfeiffer that kept me hanging in there when Jen Springer was really knocked down the anxiety and panic 24/7. She knew what was going on in my body, but fixing it was the challenge. That took time and patience.


Why Your Body Makes Your Brain Feel Cuckoo Part I

Myself and other functional practitioners firmly believe that if the body is functioning properly and has the nutrients it needs to perform, the brain will be happy. This means clear thinking, relaxed, idea popping, good memory recall, and emotional stability. Life is fun, exciting, energizing, and joyful! Stress, toxicity, and malnutrition take it’s toll, the body starts to break down.


Anxiety Relief by Eating On Time

What’s normal for an eating schedule? We hear everything from snacking every few hours with a couple of bigger snacks for meals to eating a big protein meal in the morning and only carbs at night. What are you to believe? What’s right? In reality, who knows! There is no right way, only a right way FOR YOU. Figuring out your own nutritional / dietary needs can be the challenging part! I can only share with you how I eat to achieve for optimal brain function and anxiety relief. Eating on a schedule that my allows my body to operate at its best also has yielded other benefits such as losing 55 pounds, increased and ‘mojo’, and age reversal!