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Posts Tagged salt

Adrenal Fatigue & Low Salt Diets?

Our bodies need good sodium to function. It is an essential nutrient that so many of us are low in because salt has been labeled as ‘the devil’. When you crave salt, you need it! It’s a true deficiency craving vs. when we crave chocolate chip cookies.


Adrenal Fatigue Super Smoothie Recipe!

Requests come to me daily for my “super smoothie” recipe because it starts of the day right by balancing blood sugar and helps stop gnawing cravings the rest of the day. Every ingredient in this delicious (almost ice cream like!) recipe is chosen with a specific action in mind. So don’t go adding all sorts of stuff (bananas, pineapple, agave, sugar laden nut milk, soy milk) unless you really understand nutrition!!! Long term daily enjoyment of this smoothie has helped repair my insulin resistance, blood sugar swings, anxiety / panic attacks, and adrenal fatigue.


Anxiety Help, 15 Tips for Blood Sugar Balance

The most critical first step to sanity is minding what we eat. This is why Jen Crippen’s is sharing her secret 15 blood sugar balancing tips to help anxiety!


Adrenal Fatigue & Hypoglycemia

Recently Jen Crippen did a post on a chat board for hypoglycemia caused by adrenal fatigue. She felt the post was so good, that she decided to put in on this blog. It includes her protocol for getting anxiety relief and balancing blood sugar levels.