Thank you for applying!

Thanks for applying for a strategy session!


Unsolicited Letter of Thanks:


I swear girl, if I run into you at convention and just spontaneously hug your neck and burst into tears of joy, I am not a stalker or crazed lunatic. I am just so excited about Diamond Factory AND that you would share this with everyone.

I knew from my experience and knowledge with marketing and customer engagement that I needed an easier way to keep in contact with my members & team mates, a way to let them connect on their on time and also to share about the business. We won’t even mention that the system needed to be duplicable so that it would look easy to the person I was sharing with so they could “see themselves doing it”.

The minute I was introduced to Diamond Factory, since I already understood marketing funnels, warm and cold markets and customer retention, landing pages and autoresponders. I didn’t hesitate!!! I knew that DFE was the answer to my prayers. And in my journal I wrote, “Set up for Diamond”.

The cool thing is that people don’t have to know all the technical stuff, but it frees them/me up to do more of the high touch part of the business with the time slots available in the day!! And lets them know that I am still thinking about them as it gives them more information and products to try. I am excited about the additional funnels – maybe “marketing giddy” is the right word. I believe that with the tools the team have created and are unselfishly sharing, I will be able to do my business full time in half the time I had mapped out.

I am thankful for you my friend. On the totally mushy gushy – that you would take the time to spend with me on a weekday evening at a presentation to help me get set up, meant more than you will ever know!!

Stephanie Oden

   Hugs, Health and Blessings, 

   Stephanie Oden


Testimonial #2:

I grow in this business everyday, I watch and read all of of what you share with us. Your advice as well as all others who has paved the way before me. We all need encouragement as we roll the snowball to the top of the hill. If I stop, breath, and follow the advice of those who have been successful, I too will be successful. I will be at the top, I will be successful, because of others advice!

Debra Wachob


Thank you, 

Debora Wachob


Testimonial #3:

Testimonial #4:

Testimonial #5:



Top 5 Thing That Sponsors Don’t Tell Their New Members

That Cause Frustration, Failure, and QUITTING

Watch this before our session, you’ll love it