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Posts Tagged young living oils

How to Do an Easy Whole Body Cleanse

The types of cleanses Jen loves are packed full of nutrients that will help the body detoxify itself. If a whole body cleanse isn’t done correctly, back up can occur and toxins don’t leave the body. Cleansing can be easy and taste good if you do it the Jen Springer way.


How To Handle Stress and Stay Sane

Fried, frazzled, and flipping out? This is no way to be. Life is no fun when you feel like you are ricocheting through your day like a rogue ping pong ball. Stress can suck the ever lovin life out of you literally, unless you know Jen’s 5 tricks. They’ll halt premature grey hair, under eye bags, and even wrinkles.


Oils Are A Girl’s Best Friend

In fight or flight, Jen’s mind would go blank. All she could remember to do was reach in my pocket and grab one of her oils. She could get grounded enough to open the cap, put a few drops on her palm to apply to the back of her neck and under her nose. Then, Jen was back to earth and the surge of adrenaline would subside.


Yes, Anxiety Can be Caused By the Flu Virus

This week’s post got thrown off a few days because the flu fairies decided to pay me a visit and I couldn’t even think straight enough to type a logical paragraph. Gee, thanks flu fairies! Not sure the cause, but feeling anxious when your body goes into battle with immune guns a blazin’ is not uncommon. How does one fight off the virus and help anxiety?


Anxiety Relief with Essential Oil Therapy

Have you ever heard about using lavender or chamomile for calming stress and anxiety relief? Since 2001 I have been educating people on the benefits of medicinal quality essential oils (not bath and body or health food store stuff). When I became personally ill in 2007 with panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and is when I realized they help steady and calm the mind.