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Archive for the Anxiety Relief Category

Why Your Body Makes Your Brain Feel Cuckoo Part II

It was information like this written by Joan Matthews Larson, PhD. and Carl Pfeiffer that kept me hanging in there when Jen Springer was really knocked down the anxiety and panic 24/7. She knew what was going on in my body, but fixing it was the challenge. That took time and patience.


Why Your Body Makes Your Brain Feel Cuckoo Part I

Myself and other functional practitioners firmly believe that if the body is functioning properly and has the nutrients it needs to perform, the brain will be happy. This means clear thinking, relaxed, idea popping, good memory recall, and emotional stability. Life is fun, exciting, energizing, and joyful! Stress, toxicity, and malnutrition take it’s toll, the body starts to break down.


Protect Yourself with Donna Edens Zip Up

As Jen Springer meets so many people with anxiety, she has noticed we have one thing in common. We are all extremely sensitive to others and often get caught up in other peoples energy. In essence … if someone is angry, in crisis, or negative we pick up on it because most anxious people are extremely empathetic. Being drained from situations like this is very hard on your stress processing centers and can contribute to anxiety.


Oils Are A Girl’s Best Friend

In fight or flight, Jen’s mind would go blank. All she could remember to do was reach in my pocket and grab one of her oils. She could get grounded enough to open the cap, put a few drops on her palm to apply to the back of her neck and under her nose. Then, Jen was back to earth and the surge of adrenaline would subside.


Choose Natural Anxiety Therapy – Don’t Live With It Anymore!

The world needs to know that feeling better may be just around the corner via anxiety therapy that doesnt rely on meds or having your head shrunk. You can take your health back and feel human again through making simple changes.