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Archive for the Stress Busting Category

Help Anxiety, No SAD Times this Winter!

This time of year many of us (including myself – Jen Crippen) start to feel the winter blues. The past few years I have made a few changes to help me from feeling the effects of SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Here are a couple of tips to help anxiety!


Don’t Mess with Chronic Stress

Did you know that chronic stress can cause brain damage? Dr. Mark Hyman discusses in UltraMind Solution that Dr. Sapolsky of Stanford University has mapped out why chronic stress damages our brain. Stress increases the hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol as one of the way’s the body combats the physical effects of stress.


Anxiety Cause – “Control”

One characteristic anxious people have in common is the need for CONTROL. My self included! When we try to CONTROL everything in our life and it compounds anxiety. The stress takes it’s toll on our adrenals too. The question is, are we ever in CONTROL?


Neurofeedback as Anxiety Therapy

There is a therapy called neurofeedback that uses flashing lights and sensors on the scalp that dislodge “stuck” brainwave patterns. For some people it has been very effective in treating mental disorders, addictions, sleep problems, seizures, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and even Tourette’s.


Download “Burnout SUCKS” Anxiety Therapy e-Book

ANXIETY THERAPY E-BOOK: Entrepreneur Burnout Sucks: 4 Simple Tips to Avoid Falling Flat on Your Face at the Pinnacle of Success by Jen Crippen has been released! What are the 4 Tips? They aren’t complicated. Simple steps can be taken to re-establish quality of life. You’ll be surprised, right now you probably are setting yourself up for burnout! We all do it, sometime or another guaranteed.