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Energy Vampires are Among UsDonna Eden’s Energy Medicine to the Rescue!

Energy Vampires are Among UsDonna Eden’s Energy Medicine to the Rescue!

Anxiety therapy can come to us in so many ways.  One of my favorite Donna Eden’s energy medicine.

Let’s say you were at the grocery store on a busy Saturday. After shopping, you get into your car and you feel just drained, your brain is scrambled, and you’re feeling anxious. You’ve been zapped! Now what?

Here’s your Natural Anxiety Therapy Tip: Read More…

6 Hidden Causes of Anxiety Webinars Ready!



6 Hidden Causes of Anxiety Webinars Ready!

by Jen Springer

Creating the 6 Causes of Anxiety Webinar Series has been the project of the year.

Recording these webinars and figuring out how to offer them to the world has been a hair pulling task at times.  My mind and internet skills have been greatly expanded!

If you are a VIP, you got to attend these events live. (Psst, if you want to be IN on future events, see the box on the top right of the page for the Free Course? Go fill it out now!)  Every spot for these live events filled up within hours of registration opening. The post event feedback was amazing; the reward of helping people figuring out why they feel like crap is what keeps me going.

These topics are the 6 hidden causes of anxiety, fatigue, hormone problems, brain fog, fibromyalgia, dull skin, and obesity that your doctor probably doesn’t even have a clue about – unless he/she is as cool as mine.

The information pooled into these webinars are from my formal education (B.S. & M.S.), countless hours of seminars, 10 years of practice, and most important of all … my personal experience.

Did you see the first one? The one that is the overview of all of them?

Click on the picture below and it will take you there.


The 6 Webinars Are About …

Part One – Food & Other Allergies

  • The 7 most common foods that can make your brain go haywire.
  • 14 typical symptoms, 16 symptoms that are 99% of the time not connected to allergies.
  • 6 tests that take the guesswork out of what your body is reacting to.
  • Why allergies are a symptom of a broken body, not a cause.
  • Why radical digestive cleansing can cause more damage than good.

Part Two – Blood Sugar

  • Why one minute you feel fine, the next you are a raging lunatic.
  • Are you living in a state which insulin resistance is the norm, not the exception?
  • The difference between diabetes, hypoglycemia, and insulin resistance and how determine which one is a problem for you.
  • The ONLY test you should ask your doctor for to determine hypoglycemia and blood sugar problems.
  • How to turn your blood sugar around in 5 simple steps.

Part Three – Hormones

  • The 3 types of hormones that can make you “crazy”.
  • The free (and most accurate) test you can do for your thyroid that your doctor doesn’t want you to know.
  • Know how to spot imbalances with the 6 brain hormones, it’s so simple!
  • Why playing with puppies and kittens may be necessary nutrition hgh, not optional.
  • The one test that pinpoints exactly what’s going on in your brain that physicians are up in arms over.

Part Four – Toxicity

  • The human brain on toxins and why it has been linked to bi-polar, ADD, and mania.
  • The medical doctor behind brain allergies who found that an inflamed brain is not your fault.
  • Why insomnia, emotional outbursts, mania, migraines, alcoholism/drugs, anxiety, and the inability to think may be reactions to what you’re being exposed to every day.
  • The 3 main body systems that must work right so your brain is happy and you feel energized.
  • What to expect and look for when your body starts eliminating accumulated toxic waste.

Part Five – Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Why why you eat is not as important as how you absorb it.
  • The #1 macro-nutrient that most people don’t get enough of at every meal that your brain needs to feel balanced.
  • A simple formula for food combining that even a 6 year old can do.
  • The #1 nutrient that made Jen go from “straight jacket material” to sane overnight.
  • The 6 supplements a depressed, anxious, foggy thinking, and absent minded brain needs all the time.

Part Six – Adrenal Fatigue

  • What the adrenals are and why you should give a rip about them. (Pssst, they may be your ticket to sanity!)
  • Determine if salty cravings, afternoon slumps, decreased tolerance, and the 15 other items on the adrenal health checklist are trouble for you.
  • Which adrenal test not to waste your money, there’s another one your doctor can do that’s better.
  • What the heck an adaptogen and how they can give make you feel more alert, calm, and not get frazzled with everyday stress.
  • Why saying “no” might be the critical factor to regain vibrant health.


You can pick and choose what you’d like to learn. Study at your own pace whenever you like.

Be sure to go watch the first one, it tells you exactly what’s going to expect in each webinar.  Here’s the link again 6 WEBINAR SERIES.


If you LOVE it, don’t keep it a secret. Share using the Facebook and Twitter links below!


Jen Springer is a Holistic Nutrition Expert who currently serves 10,000 clients.  Her approach to health is refreshing and out of the box, yet makes so much sense.  Through her entertaining and informative webinars, blog posts, and personal recovery program Let’s Get Physical: Anxiety is NOT All in Your Head, her clients quickly get results even though  they’ve spent years of chasing for answers. Jen has been a health educator and practitioner for the last 10 years.

Self Love & Anti-Aging Secrets That Help With Anxiety

[S3VIDEO file=’natvideo/3_Secrets_Skin-HB.mp4′]

Self Love & Anti-Aging Secrets That Help With Anxiety

by Jen Springer

Who doesn’t want to bust stress causing anxiety and have glowing skin?

You can do them at the same time!

This all came about a few years ago when I started noticing wrinkles around my eyes, lips, and mouth.  Who doesn’t freak out when these start to appear?!?   I do want to age gracefully, but not prematurely.

When we “love our self”, our body secretes a hormone called oxytocin. This little talked about hormone counter acts the cortisol increasing effects of stress.  That means when you take a time out of your day to do #3 in my video above, you are helping your body produce this wonderful hormone.

Watch the simple 3 minute and some odd seconds video I recorded for you above. It’s short, simple, and sweet with a guarantee you can create gorgeous glowing skin starting today with Jen’s three secrets.


If you need more help with #1, you can find the webinar mentioned in the video HERE.

Jen Springer is a Holistic Nutrition Expert who currently serves 10,000 clients.  Her approach to health is refreshing and out of the box, yet makes so much sense.  Through her entertaining and informative webinars, blog posts, and personal recovery program Let’s Get Physical: Anxiety is NOT All in Your Head, her clients quickly get results even though  they’ve spent years of chasing for answers. Jen has been a health educator and practitioner for the last 10 years.

Chia Seeds and Your Blood Sugar

Chia Seeds and Your Blood Sugar

by Jen Springer

Nutty, filling, hydrating, and blood sugar balancing. Who’d think I was talking about chia seeds?

Every time I hear about chia seeds I think of those terrible commercials from the 80’s, “Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia!”. But these days I’m singing the praise of chia seeds because of it’s health benefits. These little babies should be eaten, not smeared on a cheesy terra cotta animal figurine.

Why I am so pumped about chia?

Other aliases: salba, salvia hispanica.

2 tablespoons contains:

  • Extremely high in chromium, 150 mcg!  Chromium helps insulin regulation.
  • Packed with soluble and insoluble fiber. Soothes the intestines, helps with feeling full, balances blood sugar, absorbs toxins.
  • 44o mcg biotin. Biotin helps with glucose regulation. Plus it gives fabulous hair and nails.
  • Significant levels of molybdenum, a mineral that escorts toxins from yeast out of the body. We know that with diabetes / insulin resistance comes yeast blooms.
  • It would take 990 grams of salmon to get the same amount of Omega 3 as 100 grams of chia!
  • No estrogenic effects, no lignans.
  • 16 percent protein, 31 percent fat, 44 percent carbohydrate of which 38 percent is fiber.
  • Gluten free.

These little seeds kick some serious nutritional butt.  True superfood, yes. Plus, they are fun is daily dose cialis on the tml formulary to eat. When added to water they blow up into little round jellies from the soluble fiber. Interesting texture, but very entertaining!

From what I’ve read they don’t need to be ground, but I like to zip zip them in the coffee bean grinder. I’m game for any way to make my food more digestible.

Put them in water, smoothies, on salads, make crackers, or encrust your chicken breast with them. They will pick up any flavor they are paired with because they are neutral.

Inflammation, blood sugar imbalance, irritated bowel, heart disease, and depression … you don’t stand a chance when chia comes to town.

Add 2 tablespoons to your daily regimen and see what happens!


(If you’d like a detox veggie soup recipe with chia, I’ve it over HERE)



Jen Springer is a Holistic Nutrition Expert who currently serves 10,000 clients.  Her approach to health is refreshing and out of the box, yet makes so much sense.  Through her entertaining and informative webinars, blog posts, and personal recovery program Let’s Get Physical: Anxiety is NOT All in Your Head, her clients quickly get results even though  they’ve spent years of chasing for answers. Jen has been a health educator and practitioner for the last 10 years.

Anxiety Cause: Candida Yeast Overgrowth

Anxiety Cause: Candida Yeast Overgrowth

by Jen Springer

Itchy butt & private parts, wet ears, and red scaly skin.

YUCK, but this is very real and it is a super common cause of fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, memory loss, foggy thinking, hormone imbalance, flatulence, toenail icks, and skin rashes.

I was so grossed out by the yeast pictures on the internet, I couldn’t even stomach to post one here. (Search Candida and be ready to gag.) So you got a mushroom!  Not remotely close to candida except they belong to the same scientific classification of the fungi kingdom.  Outside of that they are completely different, most mushrooms are health giving and candida is health robbing.

Most people don’t know candida overgrowth can be a hidden factor to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.  I have had my own personal struggle with candida for years.

I had many of the typical and common candida symptoms such as:

  • bloating around the mid section
  • itchy and wet ears
  • white bumps on the back of my arms and upper legs
  • white coating on my tongue
  • gas
  • inability to lose weight
  • anxiety/mood issues
  • food allergies
  • urinary and vaginal infections
  • body inflammation
  • brain fog
  • fatigue
  • insatiable cravings for sugar and breads
  • constant dry cough

We are all individuals these symptoms can be the same of different than mine. I even developed asthma at one point! I don’t have asthma!  There was so much yeast in my body that it was harbored my lungs too and I would wheeze.

My intestines must have looked like Swiss cheese from the yeast roots taking hold. Candida overgrowth is a levitra major contributing factor to food allergies. Food particles pass through the tiny holes from the yeast (aka: leaky gut) and circulate throughout the body. The body freaks out because it thinks the undigested food is a threat and releases attack chemicals. These chemicals can create feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and even panic attacks.

When the body is full of yeast, the body is at a heightened state and extremely reactive.  Emotions run high, hands and fingers wave when someone cuts you off in traffic .   Minute amounts of physical exertion create massive inflammation. PMS cramps double you over.  Meals result in immediate flatulence, belching, and bloating.

You can take Donna Gates Body Ecology Candida Test HERE. How do you score?

My body didn’t need tranquilizers or the purple pill, it needed the candida killed off.

The October 24, 2011 post I’m going to share my tricks and secrets. If you have any of your own, please share them on the Natural Anxiety Facebook page.

Know anyone who’s always tired, bloated, and craving sugar? Please share this post with them on Facebook now, they are counting on you.


Jen Springer is a Holistic Nutrition Expert who currently serves 10,000 clients.  Her approach to health is refreshing and out of the box, yet makes so much sense.  Through her entertaining and informative webinars, blog posts, and personal recovery program Let’s Get Physical: Anxiety is NOT All in Your Head, her clients quickly get results even though  they’ve spent years of chasing for answers. Jen has been a health educator and practitioner for the last 10 years.