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Skinny on Weight Management Young Living Convention Breakout with Jen (Crippen) Springer

Recently I spoke at Young Living Essential Oils International Grand Convention on the topic of weight management.   I decided to post my presentation because people couldn’t take notes fast enough and during the second session many people had to be turned away because the room was over capacity.   This information is important not only for weight loss, but for building a strong endocrine system.  Strong and balanced endocrine typically yields a body at ideal weight effortlessly.

Warning –  side effects to building a strong endocrine system include: increased energy levels, decreased anxious / panic feelings, clearer thinking, improved skin tone, robust immunity, positive mood / outlook, balanced hormones, healthy sex drive, and normalized sleep patterns.  Who wouldn’t want these?!?!?!?!

The main reason I had 55 extra pounds in my body in 2006 was due to severe adrenal fatigue. I was experiencing severe hypoglycemia, mood swings/irritability, lethargy, imbalanced hormones, not stamina, skin rashes/bumps, bloating, impaired digestion, anxiety / panic attacks, food reactions, non-regulation of body temperature … I was a total mess!!!

My strategy for recovery was to:

  1. Adrenal Support
  2. Regulate Sleep Pattern
  3. Repair the Digestive System
  4. Repair Insulin Resistance

My presentation outlines simple ways on how to get started back to health via nutritional changes, essential oil application, and lifestyle modifications.  Also included is an 18 point checklist that can help one determine if adrenal fatigue is a factor.

CLICK HERE to view the presentation.

Help Anxiety, Eat Raw Chocolate?


In my recent copy of Health Keepers Magazine there was an article on the benefits of raw chocolate. I was shocked at how it can help anxiety!

This doesn’t go for Hersey bars or M & M’s though, just the raw cacao.  Commercial chocolate has been cooked and is no longer raw, therefore the health effects drastically change and doesn’t have the same positive effect in our body.

If you would like to read the whole article, you can visit the Health Keepers Magazine site for the Winter 2009 / Spring 2010 edition.

These are some direct highlights  from the article that I found very exciting and relevant for us!

  • Anadamide is called the bliss chemical.  This is an endorphin that is created during exercise.  It has been studied as a chocolate isolate in a lab.  Anandamide has been found so far in only one plant, the cacao tree.  The lipid found in anandamide helps release neurotransmitters that create a feeling of elation.
  • Cacao is claimed to be the number one source of magnesium of any common food.  Magnesium is a major mineral responsible for heart beat rhythm, strong bones and smooth muscle relaxation.
  • Cacao is a poor source of caffeine.  A sample of raw chocolate will yield anywhere from zero caffeine to 1,000 parts per million of caffeine – less than 1/20th of the caffeine present in coffee.
  • Additional minerals found in the cacao bean include potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, and chromium.
  • Lastly, cacao contains tryptophan, an essential tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is transformed into important stress-protective neurotransmitters including serotonin and melatonin.

Gluten & Dairy Free Savory Veggie Salad

My newest anxiety therapy creation that came out “oh so good!”   The pumpkin seed oil and hemp seeds added an incredible richness in flavor to the abundance of veggies.

There’s a method behind my madness with choosing these ingredients:

Pumpkin Seed Oil: Rich in Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, D. Good source of minerals selenium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and trace elements.  Significant source of essential fatty acids and vegetable protein.  Supports prostate, skin, digestive, immune, and circulatory systems.  And BOY is it yummy!

Hemp Seeds: FANTASTIC SOURCE OF AMINO ACIDS and ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS.  Hello,  super easy to digest anxiety busting food here!!!!

Tomato & Cucumber: Reduce acid and mucous levels in the body. AKA: balances the body’s pH which is often off whack when anxiety, panic, inflammation, immune compromise, etc. are present.

Cilantro:  Besides being my most favorite tasting herb on earth, this is why I love it:  balances blood sugar, chelates heavy metals out of the brain, supports digestion, rich in magnesium (calming mineral), reduces acid levels in the body, and protects against urinary tract infections.

Onion: Rich in sulfur which is anti-inflammatory and helps balance blood sugar.  Drains mucous and supports the immune system. Anti-parasitic (Super eewww – but these buggers can create anxious feelings!!!).

Olive Oil: Very trendy ingredient in recent years with all it’s cardiovascular health benefits. But it’s also a great source of Vitamins E and K.  Vitamin E is anti-inflammatory and is needed to help repair insulin receptor sites for those of us who are (were) insulin resistant.  Vitamin K is needed in partnership with Vitamin D for healthy bones.

Balsamic Vinegar:  Delicious and stimulates digestion by activating the enzyme pepsin. Pepsin breaks down protein into amino acids so our brain can have the raw materials it needs to make feel good chemicals (neurotransmitters).  Vinegar also helps improve insulin sensitivity.  (When my body was totally overgrown with yeast, I substituted fresh lemons for vinegar.)

Salt: Still using my favorite Redmond Real Salt.  The adrenals LOVE salt – good salt that is. Not the white bleached stuff that has about ZERO healthy attributes!

Italian Herbs: Oregano, marjoram, basil, & thyme all add savory stimulation to the taste buds but they also help support proper immune and digestive function.


1/4 cup pumpkin seed oil

1/2 cup olive oil

3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons hemp seeds

1 small sweet onion finely chopped

1/3 cup chopped cilantro

4 medium tomatoes coarsly chopped

1 large cucumber coarsly chopped

1 1/2 teaspoon Italian herbs

salt to taste


Anxiety Therapy Teleseminar, March 25th



Experience any of the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Imbalanced Hormones
  • Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Food Allergies
  • That something is wrong and your docs have told you that you’re fine!

Are you ready to feel vibrant and never relapse again? Without doing medications or anything illegal?  On March 25th at 7 pm CST, I am being interviewed regarding THE MOST asked questions by people who suffer from those things on the list above:

  1. Can I really feel good again, permanently?
  2. Is how I feel really all in my head?
  3. Are there treatments that compliment or replace traditional medicated treatments?
  4. How can I work with my doctor to get permanent recovery?
  5. Why do anxiety and panic symptoms sometimes come out of nowhere?

The answers are so simple that you’ll begin to feel recovery is possible, for good.  I did it . . . so can you!

You may have missed the live teleseminar, but we recorded the session for you.

Sign up to receive the replay here

Yes! Send me the rebroadcast information NOW!:

Let’s share wisdom and peace of mind together!


Anxiety Cause Handled: Balance Blood Sugar Post Work Out



A few months ago I started working out, again. I had tried a few times over the past few years but after exercising for a few weeks, anxiety returned.   I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. Then, a week ago I had to prepare a lecture on blood sugar.  As I did my research, I read that exercise induced hypoglycemia can happen up to 24 hours after physical activity.  “Ah ha!” I thought.  Maybe now I can get this anxiety cause handled!

Pre and post work out I would check my blood sugar levels and they would test within normal range.  This didn’t make sense because I was showing classic signs of hypoglycemia, including anxiety. Sheri Colberg mentioned in her article Dealing with Exercise-Induced Hypoglycemia that blood sugar levels may test normal during a hypoglycemic episode, especially during and post exercise. Symptoms occur due to rapid blood sugar changes, so a person needs to know the signs their body gives to identify when there’s a problem.

When the glycogen is depleted from the muscles during exercise symptoms like shakiness, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, profuse sweating, and extreme muscle fatigue may occur.  Know these first hand!  I consulted with a personal trainer who is well versed in nutrition. He said to try consuming some kind of carbohydrate and protein when symptoms occur and during the cool down.

I have experimented with this and have had great results. I’ve been using Young Living’s Ningxia Red because it is low glycemic and is full of amino acids.  I add 2 ounces to my water bottle at the end of my work out. Within a few minutes the shakes and fatigue is gone. Plus, the next day I’m fine – no hypoglycemic drops or anxiety.

On the other hand,  I’ve even experimented with just a simple carb (like a fruit juice) without the protein, that did NOT work!  Hypoglycemic symptoms lasted for over an hour and the next day I was wiped out.  Pretty good indicator it didn’t work.

Exercise is an important part of repairing the damage from insulin resistance. Also, it helps balance the feel good chemicals in the body that fight anxiety.  Figuring out what works takes experimentation and patience.  It can be frustrating at times but when the solutions are all figured out, it’s worth it!